If you grant a woman three wishes today, she would choose a clear glowing skin as one without even thinking twice. Today, in the metropolitan world, not just women, even men have a great deal when it comes to skincare.
The idea of a healthy skin starts from inside and then it comes outside. If you are happy and healthy on the inside, it will show on your skin. This is why, we resort to Yoga.
Most of the fashion gurus, the celebrities and models all over the world have sworn by the consistent practice of Yoga in their daily lifestyle. There are tons of Yoga poses that help in making you healthier and happier if followed regularly.
Here are a few Yoga Asanas that will help you achieve the glowing and the radiant skin you always desired.
1. Sarvangasana
Generated from the Sanskrit word “sarv” which means entire and “anga” which means body parts, Sarvangasana is one of the most wholesome and effective Yoga Asana that works the entire body.
Popularly known as the shoulder stand, Sarvangasana is the mother of Yoga Asanas works for different organs of the body and helps in the promotion of the blood circulation towards your face.
All you have to do is lift your body in an inverted position while you lie down straight on the mat. Place your head in the bottom and keep your feet up high in a straight position, shifting your entire body weight on your shoulders.
2. Halasan
Halasan or the plough pose is one of the highly recommended yoga asanas for achieving the natural skin glow by the experts. This Asana helps in improving your digestive process, which directly affects the quality of your skin.
Halasan Asana is known to prepare both mind and body for deep rejuvenation and helps in overall strengthening.
This Asana is an advanced version of the shoulder stand where you lift your feet off the ground and take them all the way forming a 180-degree angle using your abdominal muscles. Let your palms face downwards while breathing slowly. Hold the position for a minute and release it gently.
3. Uthanasana
A forward bending Yoga Asana helps the blood flow to the face making it one of the most functional yoga asanas for glowing skin. The gentle inversion post helps reverse the effects of gravity by flushing your skin with the blood flow.
This helps in delivering the oxygen and nutrients towards the face which helps in fighting free radicals and inflammation that causes aging.
Start with keeping your knees soft and keep your feet hip-distance apart. Inhale deeply and try touching your head to your knees and keep your hands gently holding your legs.
4. Matsyasana
Matsyasana or fish pose improves the function of pituitary glands, pineal, and thyroid in the body. It helps in improving the skin texture and also reducing all the facial fat.
Not only the skin but Matsyasana is also known to help with the back pain by stimulating the spine, the cervical muscles, rib cages, thorax, relieving your fatigue, and more.
Begin with the Shavasana pose by maintaining a flat back. Start with lifting your chest through your elbows with the legs folded on each other. The crown of your head will be positioned on the map as your inhale and exhale slowly.
5. Trikonasana
Famously known as the Triangle pose, it is indeed the best yoga asana for glowing skin which opens up the lungs, chest, and heart. It supplies more oxygen to the skin and hence the skin feels refreshed and rejuvenated.
Trikonasana is known as one of the best and the most effective yoga asanas for glowing skin which helps open up the chest, lungs, and heart thoroughly.
The post helps the skin to supply more blood and oxygen towards the facial skin making it more refreshed and plump. This asana also helps you to maintain your body balance while controlling your breathing pace.
Start with standing upright and placing your legs about three and a half feet apart. Align the center of the arch of your foot with the center of your right heel and make sure your feet are pressing the ground. Inhale and bend your body to the right from below your hips, keeping your waist straight.
Life your left hand up while the right hand will be touching the ground. Make sure your arms should form a straight line.
6. Bhujangasana
Bhujangasana or cobra pose reflects the posture of a cobra which raises its hood. The pose helps in reducing tension, stress, and fatigue. It also helps in rejuvenating the skin cells and supplying the extra oxygen to the skin cells by flushing out all the unwanted toxins from the system.
This yoga pose is relatively easy to learn and practice even for beginners. All you have to do is lie down on your belly and place your face towards your mat, touching your skin towards the ground.
Keep your toes straight and palms firmly pressed against the floor. Straighten your arms as you inhale and lift your chest followed by the upper back as much as you can. Stay in the position for 15-20 seconds and then release.
7. Pashcimottanasana
The forward bend pose involves complete body stretch while sitting on the floor. This asana involves intense stretching and helps relieve stress and anxiety.
The asana is also known to purify the blood and improve the overall skin complexion, delaying the aging process and appearance of wrinkles.
All you have to do is sit down on the floor and stretch your legs in front of you. Place both the palms gently on the respective thighs, bend forward and try to hold your toes. Remain in the same position for 10-20 seconds and you will feel the tension release from your body.
Yoga has been prevalent since ancient times. The key is to be patient and consistent with practice to see the long term results.
These were some of our top 7 Yoga asanas that will help with the radiant skin and a healthy mind. However, it is important to also follow a healthy diet and a healthy lifestyle backed up with yoga for better results.