Seasonal changes mark the onset of so many things, and with the present drop in temperature, there are quite a few things lined up – cold, cough and flu being some of them. Medicines and shots are indeed the best ways to combat sickness in this season, but protecting your body against these sicknesses may also be done effectively by incorporating some immunity boosting foods to your diet.
With the present scenario of the dreadful coronavirus, you might have had a foreboding about the bouts of cough and cold that are common during the colder season. There are no foods that can keep the virus at bay, but you can heighten your defenses by strengthening your body and intake appropriate food for boosting immunity
Seasonal infections easily latch onto individuals with a weaker immune system. So now is a great time to boost your immune system, so that you are ready to fight against seasonal infections. There is a list of 30 nutrient-rich immunity boosting foods products that will not just keep your body healthy and fit but will also keep you safe from foreign diseases.
1. Turmeric
Loaded with a powerful anti-inflammatory compound called curcumin, the same compound that lends its signature vibrant orange-yellow color, turmeric is more than just another spice in your kitchen. A study published in the Journal of Clinical Immunology reveals that curcumin strengthens our immune system by initiating the T-cell production in the body, thus proving to be a boon especially for people with immune disorders.
Turmeric may also help lower the risk of some serious heart conditions by lowering the harmful Low-Density Lipoproteins (LDLs).
A recipe as simple as turmeric tea is found to have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties which not just boost your immunity, but its curcumin is now medically recognized as a potent anti-carcinogen, according to The National Cancer Institute. You can find multiple ways to incorporate turmeric in your diet through a variety of recipes here.
2. Greek Yogurt
Greek yogurt is chock-full of probiotics that improve your gut health. It is also rich in vitamin B12, Calcium, and Potassium; and contains more protein than regular yogurt. The probiotics in Greek yogurt not just improve your digestion, but it is also helpful in improving conditions like Irritable Bowel Syndrome.
Yogurt is also known to eradicate the excess of sodium present in the body which enters our system through salty food. This helps us in keeping our blood pressure levels in check.
3. Tomatoes
The high content of Vitamin C in tomatoes makes it a great immunity boosting food to eat when you’re sick since Vitamin C is known to be an essential immunity booster. Adding just two medium-sized tomatoes to your regular diet would fulfill the daily requirement of Vitamin C.
A study published by the German medical journal, Medizinische Monatsschrift fur Pharmazeuten, points at the role of vitamin C in strengthening the phagocytes and t-cells, the two major cells of the body’s immune system, and also noted that a deficiency of Vitamin C in the body can weaken the immune system thus making it prone to infections and illnesses.
4. Dark Chocolate
Turns out, dark chocolate does not only uplifts your mood but can also be extremely helpful in combating a cold. Dark chocolate is rich in an antioxidant – theobromine, which is proven to alleviate coughing.
According to a scientific study at Imperial College, London, a compound found in cocoa may help relieve violent coughing.
5. Broccoli
Consider adding this vegetable to your daily diet if you’re looking to prevent a cold. Cruciferous vegetables like broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, bok choy, Brussels sprouts, etc., are high in sulforaphane content.
Considered as an important immunity boosting foods items, broccoli also protects you by getting the antioxidants to fight against the free radicals in your body, thereby preventing you from falling ill.
6. Spinach
Spinach is rightfully called a superfood because it is packed with digestion-regulating fiber, Vitamin C, and iron, all of which work towards improving your immune system. Its high iron content boosts the production of hemoglobin, which helps fight against anemia, and its vitamin C assists in preventing the common cold.
Not only does spinach keep your overall health intact, but it also helps in getting nourished skin and hair as it helps in the overall tissue productions which keep the infections of various kinds away.
7. Eggs
If you are down with a cold or reeling in from one, then eggs could be the best thing for you. Eggs, and especially the yolks, contain a high amount of vitamin D, which regulates and strengthens the immunity. Eggs are also rich in zinc and iron, both of which help you fight against a cold.
There are so many different ways of incorporating eggs in your diet even if you are not a big fan of it. Check out the fun yet nourishing and healthy recipes including egg that will keep your immunity levels high and taste buds happy.
8. Garlic
Garlic is regarded as one of the best cold-curing immunity boosting foods, and not without a justified reason. A review published by the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews revealed how daily consumption of garlic for three months could reduce the chances of the common cold by a startling fifty percent.
Garlic contains sulfur-rich compounds, which are known to lower the chances of contracting common cold, and also help you recover faster.
9. Nuts
You can never have enough nuts. What if I tell you that snacking can be fun and healthy at the same time? Nuts are legit the easiest immunity booster food at home that you can munch on throughout the day.
Nuts like walnuts, almonds, and pistachios contain vitamin E, which may play a crucial role in fighting off sickness. Additionally, almond skin contains polyphenols which boost the functioning of t-cells, and ultimately uplift your immune system against the common cold. These nuts also contain healthy fats needed by the body to maintain its cellular health.
10. Raw Honey
Honey is called ‘Liquid Gold’ owing to its rich nutrients and for all the right reasons, we can vouch for its immunity boosting properties.
Raw honey tops the list of some of the best immunity boosting foods that soothe the symptoms of the common cold. It relieves sore and itchy throat and is known as an age-old remedy for treating cough. Not just this, studies state that honey has antibacterial properties that kill pathogenic germs.
11. Anise Tea
This regular kitchen spice has more health benefits than one – it has antibacterial, antifungal, and antiviral properties that kick start your immune system. It also contains Vitamin A and C which effectively relieve from sore throat and cold.
Its recent use for treating cold and viral infections has earned it the sobriquet ‘flu-fighter’. Many other spices are known to be effective immunity boosting foods at home.
12. Oranges
Citrus fruits like oranges, tangerines, grapefruits, sweet limes, etc. are rich in Vitamin C and antioxidants which increases the body’s resistance against seasonal illnesses like the common cold, cough, and flu. They also relieve symptoms like congestion and stuffiness during cold. These fruits are also high in fiber content which gives a feeling of fullness and is easy to digest.
But remember, eating the whole fruit is better than drinking juice since the latter is high in sugar and calories. Check out all the wholesome citrus foods that will keep you rejuvenated, refreshed, and protected throughout.
13. Pineapple
Tropical fruits like pineapple contain iodine, which ensures the optimum functioning of the thyroid. The thyroid gland regulates the body’s metabolism, and thus a healthy thyroid gland means better overall health.
Pineapple is also rich in Vitamin C, B-group vitamins, potassium, and calcium which not just energizes your body but also stimulates blood flow.
14. Alfalfa Sprouts
Alfalfa has been in use since ancient times, and its medicinal properties make it a superfood. These sprouts are all-round health boosters as they are extremely low in calories, but are full of Vitamins A, B, C, D, E, and K. Being also rich in folic acid, iron, calcium, magnesium, and zinc makes them great for improving vitality and making the body’s immune system stronger.
You can consume these sprouts as it is or include them in your salad, sandwiches, snack bowls and even main course to add the extra rich nutrients to your meal.
15. Wholegrain Wheat
The reputation of wheat is often marred due to its gluten content, a protein found in wheat which is often associated with health concerns. But turns out, consuming wholegrain wheat can boost your immune system since it contains a good amount of minerals and B-group vitamins.
The roughage content in wholegrain wheat products also improves digestion, thus making your gut healthier. So, replacing the regular, white bread with wholegrain bread can add to your nutrition intake.
16. Oats
Oats make for healthy and nutritious immunity boosting supplements in terms of calories. Being low on the calorie count, oats provide the body with sufficient fiber and protein to kick start your day. Oats are also rich in beta-glucans which help lower the cholesterol level, especially LDL cholesterol, thus promoting better heart health.
Oats also have a low glycemic index, which means that the rate at which they release sugar in your body upon being digested is low. This prevents a sudden hike in your blood sugar level.
17. Lentils
Lentils make for a wholesome food rich in complex carbohydrates, zinc, molybdenum, and high levels of protein. It has high water-retention capacity which keeps the body hydrated. The zinc effectively fights against sickness and heals the body from sicknesses.
Lentis also protect the overall health of your heart by lowering the risk of any heart-related disease. Introduce all kinds of lentils from brown to green to red and yellow in your meal for a comprehensive benefit.
18. Dates
Dates are another superfood rich in iron, potassium, manganese, copper, and magnesium, as well as energizing B vitamins and anti-inflammatory tannins. These elements may help relieve congestion during the cold.
Adding a few dates to your daily diet can boost your immunity and vitality. They also lower cholesterol in addition to improving bone and digestive health.
19. Bell peppers
Bell peppers are rich in iron, folate, iron, potassium, Vitamin A and C, and beta carotene, which makes your eyes and skin healthy. This low-calorie and satisfying vegetable boost the immune system owing to its high vitamin c content, which, is comparatively higher than that of oranges.
The beta-carotene in bell peppers makes the mucous membranes in our body healthy, thus lowering the risk of infections.
20. Carrots
Carrots are rich in beta carotene, Vitamin A, B and K, potassium, and fiber. Eat them raw or cooked, carrots make for great health-enhancing food. They also improve digestion and give you healthy eyes and skin.
Carrots also aid weight loss and help lower blood cholesterol. Carrots are also known to regulate your bowel movements, keeping an overall healthy digestive tract and preventing constipation.
21. Cauliflower
Belonging to the Cruciferae family, cauliflowers are a great low-calorie food that is not just delicious but is super nutritious. They contain a compound called glutathione, which, studies reveal, protects the body against flu by boosting the immune system.
Glutathione hunts down pathogens from the body, thus improving your body’s ability to fight infections.
22. Sweet Potato
Sweet potato houses a bunch of nutrients like fiber, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants which keep you feeling full for longer and support your overall immune system. They contain complex carbohydrates that provide steadily-burned energy to the body and prevent sudden hikes in your blood sugar level.
The antioxidants present in sweet potatoes also fight against the pesky, inflammation-causing free radicals.
23. Poultry
What is that one thing that is unanimously accepted as a go-to remedy for the common cold? That’s right, it’s chicken soup! Chicken soup could help alleviate symptoms of cold and improve your body’s resistance against seasonal infections.
Chicken soup is rich in minerals and vitamins, particularly Vitamin B-6, which is vital to the formation of new and healthy red blood cells. Even bone broth is super nutritious for the body since it contains mineral, gelatin, chondroitin, and other nutrients that provide health and immunity to the body.
24. Ginger
This root spice is another ingredient known to have been in medicinal use since ages. Ginger is often used as a go-to remedy for treating sore throat and other inflammatory illnesses. Its unique, zingy taste comes from gingerol, an anti-inflammatory compound known to have antifungal, neuroprotective, and anticancer properties.
Adding ginger shots to your morning routine can help flush out toxins from the body, thus strengthening your immune system.
25. Sunflower seeds
Sunflower seeds are packed with many nutrients like phosphorus, magnesium, and vitamins B-6 and E. Vitamin E is vital for ensuring the optimum function of the body’s immune system. Foods like avocadoes and dark leafy greens also contain high amounts of vitamin E.
Sunflower seeds are also incredibly high in selenium, which is believed to heighten the body’s resistance against viral infections. The oils and fats found in seeds are also beneficial in that they nourish the body on a cellular level.
26. Papaya
Papaya is considered by many as ‘the king of fruits’ which, in no way, is an exaggeration! It is loaded with vitamin C and a digestive enzyme called papain that has anti-inflammatory effects and also boosts the digestion.
Papaya has considerable amounts of Vitamin A, potassium, magnesium, and folate, all of which are beneficial to your overall health.
27. Pomegranate
This princely fruit is loaded with important nutrients like folate, potassium, iron, zinc, vitamins, and fiber which makes this fruit great for the overall health of the body. Pomegranates are beneficial for heart health and are also believed to contain anti-cancer properties.
Lab studies also hint that regular consumption of pomegranate may be linked to a reduced risk of contracting bacterial infections. Pomegranate extracts also have antiviral properties that help the body to fight against flu, herpes, and other viral infections.
28. Mint
Mint is most widely known for its invigorating aroma and refreshing taste. But a lesser-known fact is that the herb is also rich in antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties that tackle the free radicals.
You can also make mint dips/chutneys, or add crushed mint leaves to your summer coolers or smoothies for a burst of refreshing flavor.
29. Berries
In general, all fruits are great, but berries are like the storehouse of nutrients. Berries like raspberries, blueberries, strawberries, blackberries, and currants contain anthocyanin, a flavonoid that has antioxidant properties.
Antioxidants are known to be excellent for the body’s immunity. Incorporating flavonoid-rich foods in your daily diet may reduce your chances of contracting an upper respiratory tract infection. Blueberries also help against common cold and flu.
30. Mushroom
Mushrooms are full of nutrients like B-group vitamins, riboflavin, selenium, copper, potassium, and thus are great for boosting your immunity.
Studies show that a daily intake of shiitake mushrooms for four weeks can significantly increase the number and strength of T-cells. Shiitake mushrooms also act as an anti-inflammatory agent.
So now you know that these immunity boosting foods are more than just delicious – they are your ammunition against diseases, but you need to be extra careful to store them, you might destroy the main properties of these immunity boosting foods. Check out the foods that you should not refrigerate. You can also try these immunity boosting drinks. Add these to your daily diet in a variety of ways, and help your body load up with the nutrients.