If you still haven’t realized it yet, our generation is a generation of indoors. Now, with the Global Pandemic, we’ve got another excuse to stay inside and get our work done. But we’re also a generation of extra smart people, who can bring the outdoors inside. Cue Indoor plants.
The rise of indoor plants and plan accessories has been a surprising one in the past few years. Especially, on social media platforms, indoor plants and aesthetics are going hand in hand. Almost every other Instagram feed includes a house plant making the post look more natural, presentable, welcoming, and overall appealing.
Even though all kinds of indoor greens add a sense of belongingness in the house, some of them gain more attention for the way they appear as compared to others.
If you wish to add an aesthetic house plant of your own, check out these 10 Instagram worthy houseplants to add the natural essence to your work spot, me-time comfort space, the study table, the dining area, and more.
1. Echeveria
Echeveria can easily pass off as an influencer plant on Instagram. So much so that when you search the #echeveria tag on Instagram, you will find over a million pictures of the plant.
The gorgeous plant filled with blue-green rosette and is easily the number one aesthetic plant for social media bibliophiles. Not only for the looks, but Echeveria is also very easy to grow indoors with limited maintenance. All you have to do is place the plant under the direct sunlight and water it occasionally, to keep the soil moist.
Echeveria is popularly loved for the beautiful rosette that it forms with the tall spikes of the bell-shaped blossoms on the pink stems. You can place the plant anywhere around the window spot to make it more refreshing.
2. Crocus
Just like Echeveria, Crocus also has over 5, 00,000 posts on Instagram and is a popular indoor houseplant amongst the millennials. These are among the first flowers to welcome spring, but the beautiful cup-shaped petals can also bloom in mid-winter if you force them to bloom around mid-October.
The mesmerizing lavender-purple color of the flowers spruces up any space well. These indoor plants do not need heavy maintenance, all you have to do is water them occasionally.
Let the soil dry up between two sessions and avoid overwatering, otherwise, it might lead to the root getting rotten.
3. Haworthia
Another delightful succulent which is a trending houseplant on Instagram is Haworthia which has been photographed in more than 4, 00,000 posts on Instagram. The bright spotted, stripped of chunky leaves of the succulent is known to take various forms and shapes.
These plants are known to be very self-reliant with low maintenance and must not be kept anywhere near the direct sunlight.
Haworthia is low growing plants that form rosettes with fleshy green leaves which are covered with pearly, white warts giving them an eccentric appearance.
4. Swiss Cheese Plant
The humble Swiss cheese plant appeared in 7.8% of all indoor plant posts on Instagram, making it the most popular. Raking in an average of 745 likes, this leafy giant is a favorite of plant-lovers and beginners alike.
The Swiss Cheese Plant received its name from the unique Swiss cheese-like design on the heart-shaped leaves. As the plant grows, the leaves get covered with holes like that of Swiss cheese.
It is a tropical perennial plant from South America which has become a popular house plant on Instagram.
This indoor plant is very easy to maintain once kept under the shade and warmth. Be cautious about watering the plant. Do it once every week when the top of the soil is dry enough to touch.
5. Princess Blue
The beautiful pastel colors of these plants make them perfect for Instagram – and is probably why they came in as the second most popular plant on the platform, with 7% of all indoor plant posts featuring one. They received an impressive 1395 likes on average, and because they’re super easy to care for, they make the perfect first plant.
Another Instagram worthy plant is the Princess Blue which elevates the aesthetic ambiance of the house for its beautiful pastel colors.
Princess blue is as gorgeous as the name goes and must be kept under the full sun and warmth for it to blossom properly. Make sure you water the plant occasionally once the soil is completely dry between the two intervals.
6. Chinese Money Plant
Most of us have a Chinese money plant in the house as one of the indoor plants. As for Instagram, the money plant appears in almost 4.48% of all plant posts adding a tint of green with over 2000 like on an average,
The best part about the money plant is you can almost place it anywhere from drawing room to the washroom and it will survive well on its own while uplifting the appearance of the space almost instantly.
Just like all the other house indoor plants, even Chinese money plant requires relatively occasional watering.
7. Devil’s Ivy
If you follow any house plant-related pages on Instagram, there are high chances of you stumbling over the beauty that Devil’s Ivy is. The interesting fact about the name comes from a place where it is really hard for someone to kill this plant. T
This is a trailing houseplant also known as Golden Pothos. It is known to purify the air around it while making space look more natural and put together.
It is preferable to keep this plant under some light, but it is also capable of thriving in darker and shadier spots too. Whenever you water the plant, make sure the soil becomes a little moist and not too soaked.
8. Boston Fern
You cannot possibly make a list of indoor house plants without including Boston Fern in it. These are the most popular indoor fern that takes up a huge corner in the room with it fuller leaves. A perfect indoor house plant if you want to set up a little garden for yourself inside. They are even known to purify the air and take away all the damp bacteria and moisture smell.
You can almost place this plan anywhere in the house with indirect sunlight and cool places with high humidity. Boston Fern can even survive in your bathroom without any sunlight. One thing you need to make sure while taking care of the plant is to always keep the soil damp.
9. Hedge Cactus
The Giant club cactus of the Hedge cactus is a sleek and simple looking cactus which also flowers under variable conditions.
Cactus plants have become quite a rage among millennials considering it almost needs negligible maintenance and they improve the beauty of the space too. over 2.82% of plant posts on Instagram feature Hedge Cactus and receive over 180 likes on average.
Keep the cactus in hot and sunny conditions with well-drained soil. It only needs watering once or maximum twice every month.
10. False Shamrock
Lastly, the unusual and beautiful purple leaves and delicate flowers of False Shamrock, makes it another popular plant on Instagram. The plant must be kept under the shade without direct sunlight and well-drained soil.
The plant does not require an immense amount of care and attention, but one needs to avoid over-watering at all costs to prevent rotting.
These were our top favorite popular house plants of Instagram that you must have in your house if you are a green lover.
Source: Instagram